Saturday, September 25, 2010

The beginning...!

Human Revolution.

"A great human revolution in just a single individual

will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation

and, further, can even enable a change

in the destiny of all humankind."

These were the words used by Daisaku Ikeda to describe his mentor, Josei Toda's life.

This book is based on the real life story of Josei Toda, the 2nd President of Soka Gakkai, that depicts Josei Toda's long struggle, to victoriously achieve his life long mission.

"Human Revolution"


Daisaku Ikeda

A little bit on the book:

The book takes off after Josei Toda was released from prison; his detention due to the oppression of freedom of religion in Japan during World War 2. And while he emerged from the prison as a free man, many people around him were shrouded by despair and some were at the brink of death due to the ongoing war. Seeing the sufferings of the people around him, Josei Toda had vowed realize his mentor's, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi's dream to rebuild Soka Gakkai, a value creating society, that can be attained through the spread of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to the whole of Japan. This book captures the very spirit & thought of Josei Toda on overcoming all his challenges, to emerge victoriously in every struggle of his life and how his determination, changed the lives of many.

Therefore, coming this year end, in the month of November & December get

the chance to witness the struggles and victories

of this extraordinary man through our voices, dance, and music through:

"Human Revolution, The Musical"

So, catch it in SGM Selangor!!!

For more information, please check back this page from time to time as we will provide more information on the ticketing, dates and time of the performance, while entertaining you with behind the scenes information.

Expect updates soon!

- The Disciples.


  1. Each of us really make a lots of effort in this musical.... a lots..... and a lots..........................

    but when we rev up the powerful of Buddhahood, we can break thru any impasse and boldly steer a course in the direction of HOPE

  2. Thank you mingda! :) I agree... a lot of people put in a lot of effort and time! let's strive together!

  3. 现在音乐剧已经练习了第23次,

  4. 感谢钢琴小王子Alan Wong
    感谢用泪水来写词的Yee Siang
    感谢幽默风趣苦口婆心的助导Soi Lee
    感谢不是一般普通女生的助导Huay Tjin
    感谢严肃又慈悲,话语进心坎,偶尔会演喜剧的导演Kien Huang
    感谢剧本改了又改,绞尽脑汁,博学多才的编剧Boon Keong
    感谢作了很多首曲,常常安慰我们不要怕的作曲家Eddy Chia
    感谢做了很多很好吃的sandwich给我们吃的Hoay Cheen
    感谢帮我们作了很多首曲,很喜欢打羽球,文武双全的Chai Chung Han
    感谢为我们付出了很多时间来设立那么棒的blog的Ke Xin
    感谢需要花两个小时老远赶来会馆练习的户田Lai Huat
    感谢常常引导我们发声而又不嫌弃我们的池田Lau Chung Han
    感谢一直默默在背后努力,进步了很多很多的牧口Chee Shen
    感谢帮助过我教我唱歌偶尔喜欢唱两只老虎rap版本的几枝Wee Wei
    感谢这位超级像户田先生但潜能还没完全发挥出来的Kok Keong
    感谢歌声好认真爽朗偶尔爱演爱闹只小我一岁的池田How Kian
    感谢积极乐观认真,竟然和我同年同月同日出世的池田Kaang Huei
    感谢很忙很不得空但很有演戏天份的户田Kelvin Tan
    感谢活泼可爱带给我们很多欢乐的香峰子Phui Kuan
    感谢勇气可嘉略懂华语但又要讲又要唱的香峰子Huay Theing

  5. 感谢钢琴小王子Alan Wong
    感谢用泪水来写词的Yee Siang
    感谢幽默风趣苦口婆心的助导Soi Lee
    感谢不是一般普通女生的助导Huay Tjin
    感谢严肃又慈悲,话语进心坎,偶尔会演喜剧的导演Kien Huang
    感谢剧本改了又改,绞尽脑汁,博学多才的编剧Boon Keong
    感谢作了很多首曲,常常安慰我们不要怕的作曲家Eddy Chia
    感谢做了很多很好吃的sandwich给我们吃的Hoay Cheen
    感谢帮我们作了很多首曲,很喜欢打羽球,文武双全的Chai Chung Han
    感谢为我们付出了很多时间来设立那么棒的blog的Ke Xin

  6. 感谢需要花两个小时老远赶来会馆练习的户田Lai Huat
    感谢常常引导我们发声而又不嫌弃我们的池田Lau Chung Han
    感谢一直默默在背后努力,进步了很多很多的牧口Chee Shen
    感谢帮助过我教我唱歌偶尔喜欢唱两只老虎rap版本的几枝Wee Wei
    感谢这位超级像户田先生但潜能还没完全发挥出来的Kok Keong
    感谢歌声好认真爽朗偶尔爱演爱闹只小我一岁的池田How Kian
    感谢积极乐观认真,竟然和我同年同月同日出世的池田Kaang Huei
    感谢很忙很不得空但很有演戏天份的户田Kelvin Tan
    感谢活泼可爱带给我们很多欢乐的香峰子Phui Kuan
    感谢勇气可嘉略懂华语但又要讲又要唱的香峰子Huay Theing
